A crowd-sourced application with a mission to help YOU find the rifle and handgun ammo you need — at a store nearby…
What Calibers Do You Want?
Subscribe to KnowAmmo and get KnowAmmo Notices when your fellow subscribers report ammo at retailers near you. Set your Location, your calibers, and the distance you’re willing to drive for ammo, and our KnowAmmo Notices will lead you to the ammo you want.
Submit ISA — Get Notices
Let KnowAmmo know when you find retailers with ammunition on the shelves — submit an In-Stock Ammo (ISA) Report . Tell us which calibers are available and take a pic or two. Your fellow subscribers will receive personalized notifications when the ammo they need is available nearby. Our KnowAmmo Notice will tell you which calibers you selected are available and where you can find your ammo!